Aleksa Cenic, MD, FRCSC, MSc

Spine Clinic, McMaster Clinic Wing, 7th Floor, Room 715
Hamilton General Hospital


905.521.2100 ext. 46781


Primary Services

As a neurosurgeon and spine surgeon

my clinical practice focuses on spinal disorders, injuries and disease in adults including cervical, thoracic and lumbar-sacral decompression, instrumentation and fusions. Treatment and care of fundamental peripheral nerve entrapment syndromes: Carpal Tunnel and Ulnar Nerve. My practice also includes providing fundamental neurosurgical care of brain tumors, hydrocephalus, and traumatic brain injury in adults.

New Patient Questionnaire

Patients are kindly requested to complete the PDF questionnaire and bring the form with them to their clinical appointment. Click HERE to open form.

Spine Clinic Referral Form

Referring physicians may click HERE for their PDF form and fax over their information.